Saturday, March 19, 2011


     Doing the bake sale was 100% fun. Although while going home we thought "I bet we just made like $200"
Wondering and hoping we got at least $200, we dumped all the money out from our bins and earned.... DRUM ROLL PLEASE! $548.37! Yup! Thats right. With everyones help and just a little hope, we almost trippled our earnings range. Thankyou to all the people who participated in the bake sale and hope that next time we do this again, there wont be a disaster involved, which means "Hope theres no more disasters"! Well, for atleast a few years. Good Job everybody and..... THANKS!
We handed these out to everyone in our Neighborhood

Me and Hester taking a 5 minute break.. Haha

        Nina and her friend selling away


Friday, March 18, 2011

Tsunami in Japan! POP! Solution!

 "Kon'nichiwa!" or " こんにちは!" You might recognise the first word... Anything POP up like "Hello!"? Both of those words are ways to say "Hello" in Japanese.
      You may have heard that a few days ago Japan has had a terrible earthquake, then tsunami, and now nuclear explosion. Many people in Japan are having very hard times trying to get food, find a shelter, and get clean water to drink. But all of those need one thing first, and thats money. You see, almost everything in Japan was destroyed, burned, and swept away from the horrible accident which leads to almost no one having money. So, to help get food into all there bellies and fresh water into their systems, my sister , Nina, and I are having a Bake Sale on Saturday, March 19th.  So, help spread the word about The Bake Sale 4 Japan! All the money earned from the Bake Sale will be donated to The American Red Cross . Hope to see you there and thanks!
Info 4 The Bake Sale 4 Japan :
When: Saturda, March 19th
Location:  across from Cedar Grove Park, Tustin, CA 92782
Amount: Everything will be your requested price over $1
We'll Have: Cookies, Cupcakes, Brownies, e.t.c
From: 11:00 am - n/a
What to look for : A lot of 10-13 year olds jumping around with signs... haha....J.K...Maybe...

Red Cross Member looking for survivors... Hope he finds all
of them... So Sad! :(

        The tsunami wave taking anything in its path along with it.
Doesn't it look like a movie image? Its so :(
     I wanna just cry. :(

Monday, March 7, 2011

Coconut Macaroons

                 What screams coconut-ty, flaky, sweet, and just plain delicious? Ah... yes. Macaroons. On a Wednesday afternoon, I came home from school wondering what I was mouth watering and craving for. While I was flipping threw America Test Kitchen Cook Book, I found an easy, yet delicious looking recipe for Coconut Macaroons. About 60 minutes later, BADA-BING BADA-BOOM! And we have Coconut Macaroons! Perfect for a cold day with hot chocolate. Enjoy!

Coconut Macaroons

MAKES: about 2 dozen cookies
PREP TIME: 5 minutes
TOTAL TIME: 1 hour plus cooling time

Be sure to spray parchment paper lightly with vegetable oil spray or the cookies will stick.

     5     cups (20 ounces) sweetened flaked or shredded coconut
     8     large egg whites
     1/2  cup sugar
     1/2  teaspoon salt
     1/2  teaspoon almond extract

1) Pulse the coconut in a food processor until finely chopped, about 15 seconds, and transfer to a large bowl. Process the egg whites, sugar, salt, and almond extract in a food processor until light and foamy, about 15 seconds. Stir the egg mixture into the chopped coconut until combined. Wrap the bowl in plastic wrap and refrigerate until the mixture is thick, about 30 minutes.

2) Adjust the oven racks to the upper- and lower-middle positions and heat oven to 375 degrees. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and coat lightly with vegetable oil spray. Using wet hands, roll 1 tablespoon of the mixture at a time into balls and lay on the prepared baking sheets, placed about 1 inch apart.

3) Bake until the macaroons are light golden brown, 13 to 15 minutes, switching and rotating the baking sheets halfway through the baking. Let the macaroons cool completely on the baking sheets for 30 minutes before serving.