Nina and Stephanie
Hi! We're Stephanie and Nina. We decided when we were about 5, that we wanted to be Chefs and Proffesional Bakers. We always dreamed of having our own restauraunt. We decided that it would be named, The Sea Turtle. I, Stephanie would be the Manager, Cashier, Waitress, and Co-Chef and Nina would be the Chef. Now that we're a few years older, we agreed on a more realistic job but still won't entirely give-up our dream. So, after lots of encouragement from family and friends, we decided to make a food blog. Although, this is not an ordinary food blog. We're making a blog to encourage kids our age to cook meals almost entirely by themselves.
Our baking and cooking genes originally came from our inspirational grandma. When we were young, she would always make her famous secret family dishes that sometimes even family couldn't know. She always inspired my mom, my aunts, and my uncles to cook great food and only choose certain spices and best ingredients. Then, my mom passed that on to me and my sister. So, we would like to share our experiences with you. Enjoy! :) Our Grandma, Stephanie, Nina, and Our Aunt